It’s Not Like They’ve Done Anything Wrong. They Only Worship Satan

Goths. We all hate them, but we can’t do anything about it. They are allowed to walk among us, polluting the public scenery and rebelling against everything possible without penalties. Many citizens have actually moved due to the large Goth population in their neighborhood, only to discover that Goths are everywhere and that they will soon govern this country. So how do we expel these people from our great nation? How do we rid our rich soil of these wrist-slitting offenders? First, we must find out what makes a Goth so dangerous to society.

The word “Goth” is derived from the biblical term “Gothic,” which means “Someone who should be shot.” In many books of the bible, Goths are mentioned enslaving the Jews, crucifying Jesus, and destroying the world. In fact, few people know that the word “Armageddon” is Gothic for “picnic.”

Two thousand years ago, when the bible took place, the Goth population was very small. There were only four of five Goths in all of West Asia, and they were usually too busy cutting their thighs to do anything productive. Nowadays, however, scientists predict that there are over 110 million Goths nation-wide; all producing enough blood from their thighs to fill Lake Champlain. They can be seen buying food from public grocery stores, playing sports on public fields, and roaming the halls of public schools. Their unhinged attitude and lack of self-control is spreading freely around America, and it needs to be stopped.

You’re probably wondering why I can make all of these ridiculous assumptions and stereotypes about the Goth community and speculate that they are the downfall of America. Well the sad truth is that I know more about Goths than anyone ever should. I have been living with a Goth for about 2 years now, and I have been observing his lifestyle in an attempt to understand them better. I guess you could say that I’m the Jane Goodall of Goths. In my studies I found out how one becomes Goth, what Goths do to out-rank each other, and how to distinguish between a Goth and a Punk Rocker. And through my famed publicity of this world-renown blog, I am going to share my findings with the world.

My brother became Goth a little less than 2 years ago. He may have wanted to transfer earlier but was not provided the opportunity because there was no tragedy. This is because the only way to become Goth is to suffer a hardship in your life. Generally, it’s a family death, abusive childhood, or alcoholic parent that drives you to become Goth, but some desperate wannabes call upon less extreme afflictions such as list earrings, bad dream, sour milk, etc. It is essential that your Gothic lifestyle begins with a tragedy or else you will be referred to as a “poser.” A poser in the Goth community is the lowest of the low. He is hated by everyone and everything and is never allowed to show his mascara-covered face again. Typical posers will not admit to being one, but can also never give you a legitimate reason as to why they are Goth. Not that it matters; all reasons for being Goth are bullcrap because the only time you should be allowed to hate life is if you have the same career, publicity, and name as Andy Dick.

The main question folks ask is why people become Goth. Why would someone want to be hated by everyone? Why would they choose to be the lowest species on the social ladder—below above anime-lovers—when everything was going fine before? The answer is simple: attention. Oh sure, they may have had a shred of dignity before their traumatic accident (getting a C+ on a math test), but no one was really looking at them. But now that they’re Goth, people not only look at them, they call them horrid names and throw rocks at them too!

Okay, I’m getting a little too worked up; let me slow down. When someone becomes Goth, people ask him why. What he really wants to say is “because I’m an attention-craving loser who wants people to look at him no matter what the cost,” but instead he will preach something along the lines of “because I don’t agree with the cliques and images the media drives into our head. Every year the government puts millions of dollars into telling us what to do, what to wear, and what to say. People who were once so free to think what they want have been brainwashed by the subliminal messages they see daily. Earth is no longer a place to appreciate nature, but rather a storm of marching clones who all wear what their told, say what their told, and have never once gone against the rules. We let other people determine what is cool; we let other people shape our images, and it’s not right.”

The Goth kid will continue this rant until you hit him in the head with a desk. In my years of study, I have learned that when you ask a Goth a question, you should warn him in advance that if he exceeds the 20 second answer limit, he will be quartered. But I’m getting off track.

Goth people claim that they are against the images driven into society’s head that make everyone look the same. If that is the idea they’re rebelling against, why do all Goths look the same? Why are the people denouncing “public cloning” all dressing in black pants and wearing dark makeup? I’ll tell you why: they’re stupid liars. Goths are too thickheaded to realize that their alibi is hypocritical and doesn’t make sense. By all stating that they’re against cliques, they’ve created their own clique!

Another example is anarchists. These people claim to be against group rules and leaders, yet they assemble. And when they do assemble, they obviously have someone in charge (a leader) and guidelines to follow (rules). The only way to be a true anarchist is to literally do everything people tell you not to do while you individually do around breaking rules; also known as an asshole.

My point is that you can’t trust Goths because everything they say is a lie. They’re too mindless to get their made up reason straight, not recognizing the fact that an anti-group crowd is still a group, regardless of how retarded the members are.

Once a person has achieved the amount of attention they wanted by becoming Goth, they only thing they can do is maintain it by performing ridiculous acts. Basically anything that gets you negative attention will work when you’re a Goth, the most popular being dressing in all black all the time. Other methods include not ever showering, wearing heavy pants in the summer, listening to deafening music, and—in extreme cases—becoming a lesbian. There really isn’t anything radical and extreme you can do to become Super Goth because all Goths so the same thing, hence the social-grouping they’re so hypocritically against. If a Goth actually wanted to be against what all the other Goths were doing, he would wear rainbow overalls and sing I’ve Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts while picking dandelions in his backyard (also known as Andy Dick).

My brother, who was the main specimen in this study, has taken many of the usual steps to becoming Goth. Thankfully he still showers every night, but he has grown his hair out and dyed it black. He always dresses in black jeans, even in the midst of summer, and he wears the same clothes every day. I’m partial to think that this is due to his decaying brain tissue after watching the “I Love New York Marathon”, but inside I know it’s because he’s Goth. No matter the reason, he will not change or wash his clothes. He thinks that just because he showers he won’t smell like a litter box when he puts on his sweaty, crusty sweatshirt. And because I share a room with him, I will return from school to find my room smelling like an asshole.

Another huge thing Goths pretend to do is overdose on pills. I say “pretend” because the only people who OD on pills are heart-broken middle schoolers and rock stars. Most—normal—people stay far away from pills, but Goths worship them. They think that ODing on pills is the coolest thing anyone could ever do. This is not true because in Episode 43 of “Walker Texas Ranger”, I saw Chuck Norris actually punch a man so hard that all of the man’s immediate family died, and the majority of his other relatives were diagnosed with massive malignant tumors. I’m really not sure what makes overdosing so cool; maybe the fact that you’re willing to risk your life to get a high, or that you’ve finally found a use for an overstock of Tylenol. My brother told all his friends that our family got an overstock of prescription medicine and that he would get high whenever he wanted. This may be true, but it doesn’t disregard the fact that he dances in the shower to Kelly Clarkson.

But the most popular activity for Goths to do is to cut themselves. In a way, the amount a person cuts can determine how Goth they are, which, in turn, can show you how much attention they want. Sure, they might claim that the cuts release tension that is built up inside of them from their traumatic experience (forgetting their lunchbox on the school bus). Hell, they might even go as far as to say that each cut represents a horrible adversity they had to overcome (untied shoelace, pulpy orange juice, their CD skipping, etc.). My personal favorite is that “I cut myself just to see if I’m still alive” crap. But no matter what they tell you, the only real reasons Goths cut themselves is to show off their scars.

Depending on where you cut, there are many different ways to show off your grotesque scars. The most common place is the wrist, which is probably the best area to cut because it’s not like there are any major veins there. If you do slit your wrist, the thing to do is wear a sweat band for a few months until the scab goes away and you have a nice clean scar. During these months you will truly feel like an idiot when things like sweat, dust and fabric get into your wound and infect it. But when you’re all healed, you “forget” your sweat band and “accidentally” place your hand right in front of your friends face. Then when he confronts you about it, you make up some elaborate story about how you were in a bad mood so you got high and cut it with a sharpened fork while injecting ecstasy into your arm, where in reality you were doing it crying on your bathroom floor with a sock in your mouth to smother the pathetic screams of agony. Retard.

Once the word gets around school that you cut yourself and everyone thinks that you’re a psychotic loose cannon, you can sit back and enjoy the attention. However, you must make sure that your parents don’t find out you cut yourself, or your 15 minutes of fame could turn into 4 years of therapy, random drug tests, and a dick-head shrink.

Now that you know what causes people to become Goth and how to distinguish one, you can help me in my fight against them. With your help I can prevent Goths from actually making a name for themselves and keep them at the lowest point in society. How do we do it? Listen carefully.

WARNING: The following not only contains math, but also includes explicit notions of viciously murdering all Goths by throwing their limp bodies onto a massive bon fire and parading around it. Although I suppose all the toxic smoke from unwashed clothes would increase Global Warming.

On my street there are a total of three Goths. My brother, whose traumatic experience was a divorce two years ago; his friend, whose traumatic experience is being Puerto Rican, and his ex-girlfriend who is a poser. That is three Goths for every street. I figure there are roughly 50 million streets in America; each one having three Goths makes 150 million Goths worldwide. Subtract 40 million for margin of error (some places in America only have a population of 15 people, like, for example, Wyoming) leaves 110 million Goths in our country.

This number is devastating and should be dropped as soon as possible. And with half of all marriages ending in divorce, wannabe Goths are getting more legitimate reasons to turn Goth. So how do we prevent the increase of these Goths? We need to take drastic measures. North Dakota has already allowed the execution of Goths without trial, which is probably against four or five of our Constitutional rights, but it’s alright. Unfortunately we cannot do that here on the East Coast, so we have to do things on a smaller scale. That is why I propose right now that whenever you see a Goth, you punch him in the face and steal his bike. I have been using this approach for seven months now, and I feel that if we all work together we can scare Goths into extinction. And when they’re bleeding from the head and drifting in and out of consciousness, we strip them of their clothes and make them run naked on the freeway. Then, as a final scare tactic we give them white clothes.

I know it sounds extreme, but it’s a risk I am willing to take. I hope my studies have helped you realize your place in life, and have hopefully opened your eyes to the horror of Gothic bastards. I hope in time all of America will adopt North Dakota’s method of punishment, but until then we must fight alone. So gather up your bats, sharpen your swords, and turn on your washing machine. Goths are going down.


Filed under Comedy, Personal

102 responses to “It’s Not Like They’ve Done Anything Wrong. They Only Worship Satan

  1. You should not punch goths, because that is exactly what they want you to do. Why do you think they paint their faces white. It’s to help you aim. Speaking from experience, you just don’t want to do that, because all you do is reinforce their idea that the world is against them, further motivating them to rebel against a society trying to keep them down. And also, you can only steal too many bikes.

    What you should do is be extra nice to them. I know this goes against the grain of common sense, but it is what you must do, because they won’t be ready for it. It’s the opposite of what they want. They’ll be completely stunned.

    They might not believe it at first, so don’t give in. Just keep being nice to them. Strike up a friendly conversation, even. Aid the goths who’ve fallen off their skateboards. Do not give in to the temptation to kick them. Believe me, I battle this urge every day. It is not easy, but necessary, if we want to fight the brave fight.

    And then, sit back and enjoy the reaction, because it can be amusing.

  2. ekull

    Punching goths is an excellent pastime. I do it everyday, AND have ‘aired down’ his tires. Alex, i think you know who i am referring to…

  3. Irena.

    You are the most stupid person I have ever come across in my whole entire life, Goths are nothing like how you have described them,the “goths” that you have described aren’t real, a real goth is elegant, and polite, generally artistic and has a high IQ.

    You must not confuse rebel with goth.

    • black

      YOU ARE RIGHT whoever you are up there you have got a small brain
      goths are nothing like that yes they are depressed often but they dont go round killing people and spoiling the public areas if your a goth your a goth its who you are and i am ofended by your point of view on them
      i no goths and guess what I AM A GOTH so why dont you do a bit more reserch.

  4. aldrin

    You’re missing the big picture…
    But there are people that always will.
    You’re close minded, and seem to be trying to make the point that you are better than them.
    They compelled you to write such a detailed explanation of why you think they are the way the are.
    You have played right into their hands.

  5. Eric

    Well well well, another person claiming to have the “cure-all” to another group you dont like. I ask you, what is it they did to you? Kill your cat, shoot you in the arse? Im all for the right wing conservatives and good people, but at the same time I have more “goth” friends than not!

    You seem to have a few FACTS out of proportion though. Goths wear black, yes, but also a lot of red, purple, and WHITE! Dont act shocked, it happens. And I know goths who are the most devout Christians in our city! Maybe because its North Idaho, and we are all strange up here, but you seem to be in the belief that goths do “cutting.” Another half truth. Many goths I know dispise cutting ones-self.

    Besides, as a christian myself, wasnt Jesus’s idea “PEACE” not “BURN WHOEVER YOU DONT LIKE?”

  6. Oh, hey Eric, I didn’t know you’d be joining us in our picnic today! Wha’d you bring? Shithead Sandwiches?! YUMMY!!!

    You claim the be from North Idaho, which seems to be in America. So why the hell did you say the word “arse”? Are you retarded, or just British?

    I was going to write a whole other post on Goths concerning how they claim that “they’re not just goth, they’re christian goth.” Bullshit. If you think that dressing like a dumbass is going to get you attention, you’re a jackass, not matter what color you wear (oh sure most goths dress in black, but my brother once went through a phase where he wore all white and he didn’t change).

    Lastly Eric, I don’t know if your father is some sort of priest or something, but what does your “Jesus’ Idea” sentence at the end mean? If anything you’re furthering my point by saying that Goths suck. And ironically, Jesus’ idea may have been “Peace,” but he was the disliked one who got burned.

    Stick that in your juicebox and suck it.

  7. Loki

    WOW, some people here really have some fucked up shit going on in their minds………FIRST OF ALL, bizzoony, JESUS WAS FUCKING CRUCIFIED, NOT BURNED!!!

    I am goth. do i wear all black? when i fucking feel like it. do i cut myself? did once, just out of curiosity, but not as a statement. do i show off my scars? the answer to that is a resounding no. i actually got a tattoo to cover them up. am i christian? no. does being goth make me hate christians? no, my grandparents are christian and i don’t know what i would do without them. do i worship satan? no. i study Wicca, which has absolutely no worship of satan within its confines. do i constantly go out and seek attention? no. sometimes, when im drunk, i like to jump up and sing at the bar, but not because im an angsty, depressed goth. am i goth because i had a tragic life? fuck no. i’m goth because i felt like thinking for myself. the ORIGINAL design behind the gothic subculture was the idea that every human being was born with a brain, thus every human being should be capable of thinking for themselves, instead of falling into these cliques and having the masses decide for you. Did we call ourselves gothic then? no. we didn’t give a shit what we were called. being called goth sounded good to us, so we accepted the name. because we felt like it.

    in summary, the truest form of goth should be more or less unrecognizable from the rest of the masses on most days. do we stand out? sometimes, but only if we want to. as to the question of intelligence, are we smarter than you? probably not everyone, but most likely, smarter than the person who wrote the original bit on this page.

  8. alana

    dammit i never knew there was a north and south idaho

  9. alana

    its a comedy website
    learn to laugh
    why would you be on here if you dont want to laugh?

  10. Hollye

    o look another idiotic ranting from another dickhead in amercia, wat a surprise! u clearly know nothing about wat the goth culture means, and only judging it by one individual is utterly ridiculous and cannot b called research! if evryone thought this way theyd think that all americans r pigheaded, ignorant cunts just by reading ur dribble. and in reality if u wer to go and pick a fight with a goth he/she wud turn round and pulverise ur pathetic ass! u obviously only hate the culture cus overall ur fucking scared! so exactly wat culture do you belong to, chav? ur a small minded, stupid, ignorant cunt, o wait sorry, i forgot, ur american!

  11. Claudia

    I think you may have some wires crossed with your views on goths. Goth is not about teen angst, which is obviously the only experience you have of them. I think you’ll find that most teenagers rebel against something and attention seek, and unfortunately quite a few have bad hygiene, its just a simple part of growing up and discovering who you are no matter whether you do that from being a jock, cheerleader, preppy…. insert whatever stereotype you desire here. How is it possibly affecting you life that there are people out there who enjoy wearing black, and listening to different music from you. Acting out violently towards them obviously shows your blatant lack of intellect and immaturity. Violence isn’t going to ‘fix’ anything, though will hopefully get you put into juvey when you obviously belong if you have such narrow minded views towards other human beings. I think you may have a bit of growing up and acceptance to do!

  12. Ray

    Hmmm.. a good read, but alas you are confusing Emos with Goths.

    Big ups from Australia!

  13. Duane

    Dude you have absolutely no fucking idea wat ur talking about, typical fucking “im so rightious american” shit. firstly on a historical point the goths are never mentioned in the bible. as a people the tervingi as they called themselves only emerged from germany in the late 6th century where they split into ostrogoths and visigoths and promptly adopted christianity. the romans CRUCIFIED christ. secondly not all goths cut themselves its mostly emo kids.goths have no set religion the entire goth subculture is based on a staandard of acceptance of all people. yes some goths worship satan, and a lot are atheist but a lot of christian goths also exist. yes i am goth i only have black clothes but thats not coz im goth but because i like black. i only cut myself once, for the hell of it. and u better hope i dont find out where u live coz i would beat the ignorance out of ur stupid american head with a steel pipe. Now crawl off and go die in the hellhole u come from ur stupid fag

  14. alana

    its a little funny that the general idea intended for goths was to stand out and break away from typical american subcultures and stereotypes, but by doing so, they actually created another stereotype!

  15. Lissy

    Wow i thought the ‘hate goths scene’ was bad in England.

    Listen Who cares what you are, Im a goth, i had a bad childhood but im happy. Even people who arn’t gothic go though dramtic lives and ur curseing a person for wanting to express that. I mean i think you will find every person in the whole fucking world owns some form of black clotheing, just because Goths like to wear black more then others doesn’t make them ‘attention seekers’ You have to look at the bigger picture, You know how many goths? Not enough to listen to some Goths who generaly are nice. Some are depressive twats but loads of my friends are goths and i have a fucking laugh. More then a laugh then you have writing a huge page of something you hatem. Why would you anger your self like that. Maybe your the real goth seeing as you sound like one.

    Get up the protest im sure your going to get far. 🙂

  16. Ha, I think that “duane” would have made a better argument if he hdnt mentioned the fact that he cut him self. WhAt a fucking moron. I loved it by the way, but your bro aint much of a goth anymore. Great job boony!

  17. Chelsea

    Okay, first things first
    You Do Not Have To Where All Black To Be A Goth
    I wear an assortment of colors, my favorite color is Purple
    Black is my fourth Favorite color
    Purple, Red, Lime Green, Black, Blue, Silver, Gold, and Hot pink. OMG, look, it’s not black black black black black. I bet that just fries what your little mind can perceive, I don’t crave attention, I make straight A’s, i care for my little sister *without tying her up and putting her in a closet like “Normal” siblings” I can clean, cook, draw, write poetry, etc. I’m very intelligent, Which means i’m smart for those idiots that don’t know. I listen to metal music, on a low volume so as not to disturb others. Though i will tell you i’m not a christian, because i find it sickening that a preacher can rape a little girl and tell her she’s going to hell if she tells anyone, so i am Agnostic, meaning i don’t believe in religion, but i’m not close minded about it, and can discuss it without judging someone for their religion.
    You say we rant, but just look at your article, Point proven?
    All goths are not the same, we all have our own style, besides the posers, who dress like us just to have something to cry about later, your segment is honestly totally correct: if you’re talking about poser goths or fake emo’s the people who do something and anything for attention. If you wish to flame me or have a conversation where i can further prove you wrong, my email is

  18. James Was Here

    Goths suck rather large penis.

  19. Bubblez the goth

    Goths are misunderstood.
    We’re people too.
    You people are retarded cuz you worship a supirior being.
    I don’t worship satin.
    I do not worship anything or anyone.
    I do like wearing the color black.
    And I like blood.
    But I don’t rape little kids or tie people up.
    All goths are different.
    Fuck you guys.

  20. James

    Joke or not, this is certianly the definition of ignorance.
    I’m sure the monkey who wrote this had his left thumb up his ass the whole time.
    And all the stooges commenting him with praise and agreement had his other four fingers in theirs as well as a rather large dildo.

    Grow a brain and stop poking fun at one subculture.
    If you’re gonna bash one, you’ve got to bash them all, I say!


  21. James


    My apologies.

  22. Pingback: My Response To All You PMSing Goths « Comedy Corner

  23. E.

    Yes, most goths are complete fuck heads… But most people from any sub culture are. You my friend are one of the biggest fuck heads.

    Why would you want to Kill someone because you don’t like they way they look.

    You’re obviously lacking a brain.

  24. george

    hahaha you are all fucking retarded. The only serous thing implied in this was the aggitation of goths and the laughter of everyone else. Way to prove a point assholes : )

  25. Nobody

    Well I was reading the article and thought it was rather good. But then I got to the comments and I realized that there was an “armageddon” so I thought I’d join in.

    I’m a goth (though a very new one) and even though if taken out of context that post should be crucified, I think (yes surprisingly enough I think sometimes :D) if taken in context it’s actually pretty good. I don’t see why there should be a flame war about this, it’s suppose to be a comedy site, comedians make fun of anything that they think they can. It’s not like they necessarily believe what they’re saying. (though I’m not saying that bizoony does not believe what he posted, just that it’s not necessarily the case)

    So in the interest of peace and no fighting. (yeah I’m kinda a pacifist, so sue me :D) To the goths, it’s suppose to be a joke, take it as one please. There’s no reason to flame anybody. To the rest, I hope you take it as a joke too as goths are obviously not like this, I can’t think of a good site that explains what goths are and are not. But do some reading on the internet, we’ll really appreciate it if we can be treated as people as well because after all in the end that’s all everybody are, human beings. Thanks

    The Little Kid And The Propane Tank.

  26. winner

    Whoever wrote this has to be a Sad looser thats probably sat at his/her computer rotting away because they have nothink better to do than make up stupid storys about peoples way of life. unfortunately they have no life, so i dont understand how that can make fun of other people.


  27. Libertina Grimm

    Interesting read although it really pissed me off.
    I would just like to make a few things clear to you before I fuck off and ‘go cut myself’ as you seem to think I will.

    Firstly, I shower every day and I wear clean clothes EVERY DAY.

    Secondly, I didn’t become a goth because something bad happened in my life, I just liked the fashion and the music.

    THIRDLY, me Satanist? NO! You might be though, seeing as you don’t know that Jesus was CRUCIFIED NOT BURNT.

    FOURTHLY, you are an ignorant American bastard that deserves to get eaten from the feet upwards so you can see what happens.

    Lastly, next time you ‘research’ research on more than one person….intelligent people know that to prove research you obviously have to research more than one person/animal/whatever you’re researching so this, alas, proves how ignorant and stupid you are YET AGAIN.

    Now I’m going to go and be depressed….NOT
    I am actually gonna go and call for my friend now, I have better things to do than be depressed thanks

    Bye cunt

    PS: I always get at LEAST an A grade…so you can’t say I’m stupid

  28. Libertina Grimm

    PS: If you wanna say anything about this comment then we can debate further, my email is

  29. Lunabella

    that had to be most idiotic thing i have ever read or will read in my entire life. i myself am both Gothic and a catholic, so i was highly offended by that entire article, you really should either spend some time around some real Goths in our environment, and see what we are actually like. i am so disgusted in you for even thinking of Goths in such a way. you must be the saddest most pitifully person i have ever had the misfortune of coming across. i sincerely hope and pray that you open your eyes soon, or perhaps they will be opened for you, forcefully, and i promise you that it would not be pleasant.

  30. The super goth


    As a quarter Italian, (the naming quarter, my father’s father was 100%) I am of the Roman bloodline. Fucking goths crashed our Euro party. I say you tell me the time and place and I’ll get la cosanostra together and we’ll show them what cutting really is!

    Afterall I hear they traded in their swords and battle axes for mace, hair gell spikes, and studded pierceings.

    Hail Ceasar!

  31. james was here

    im mad about this

  32. That was the best piece of satire I’ve read in ages. Totally stupid but stupid “a modest proposal” style. Very cool and most funny even if it did ramble a bit towards the end. Cheers.

    The comments are quite lame but then I’m guessing your audience does not “get” irony… can’t win ’em all, I guess.

  33. I think everyone here needs to chill out a bit. Im a goth and a satanist, I found this whole thing funny. Its a joke.. Jesus…

  34. Scott

    LOL… one of the funniest comments is the …you are ignorant, close moinded, blah blah cunt, oh wait I forgot you are American… yet another laughable hypocritical statement. Isn’t it ignorant and close minded to say all Americans are ignorant and closed minded?

  35. Midnight

    This is bullshit but accurate to some extent. I don’t know of the word goth being used like that in the bible. I am goth because it is a label, with labels we help identify thing’s, And do I worship Satan? Yes, I do worship Satan, and that is because of the thing’s that he stand’s for and what he represent’s. I don’t want to worship something so messed up and contradictory why would I want to worship something that made me inferior to it? Why the Fuck do we deserve to be punched in the face, we actually fucking help this country. This country is fucked up and falling apart. Why would I want to follow a religion that the country is based on, when the country is in a wreck and falling a part!!!!!!!!Yes I am a satanist and i don’t kill babies or attend black masses that promote so. The main idea of a black mass is to make a parody of the catholic church.
    I Don’t understand catholic’s and don’t say
    “oh, don’t say that you were never catholic.”
    Actually I went to catholic school, and atteded masses as well as sunday service. The thing that pisses me off is they actually belive the wine/grapejuice turn’s in to the blood of christ. Ummmmm, tatsed like wine to me, and I know what blood taste’s like.
    Famous word’s of WEDNESDAY 13 “god IS A LIE!!!!!!!!”.

  36. Khieleigh

    WTF? what gives you the right to tell people that Goths are bad people, i am goth and fucking proud of it, i don’t worship satan, i don’t go around trying to kill myself, and neither do my friends, we enjoy dressing the way we do, its not a way of life, its a way of being yourself, yeah i definately don’t want to dress in todays fashion…but i say go ahead dress how ever the fuck you want coz i don’t give a shit, you know you say that goths are bad…but my dear you are the bad person, you are the attention seeker, you have no right to go around bad mouthing people…just coz they choose to look a certain way, i like to be theatrical in the way i dress, but you don’t know me, i haven’t the best life but that has nothing to do with the way i dress, one of my best friends follows fashion, and she is severly depressed and cuts herself and writes poetry, i do none of the above. YOU KNOW WHAT DICKHEAD GO AND FUCKING CRAWL BACK INTO THE SAD PATHETIC HOLE YOU CAME FROM YOU SAD PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING YOUR THE ONE THAT GIVES SOCIETY A BAD NAME, YOUR THE ONE THAT MAKES PEOPLE HATE THEMSELVES, YOUR THE ONE THAT PEOPLE SHOULD BE BAD MOUTHING…YOU NEED TO STEP BACK AND TAKE A FUCKING LOOK AT YOUR OWN LIFE YOU JUDGEMENTAL, PRETENCIOUS PIECE OF SHIT

  37. Raven an spirit wolf

    I and my partner are both strict about self expression we respect every persons point of view an respect that person for being a indvidual. We are pagan an enjoy our gothic lifestyle and do not relflect your sterotypical self harming goth profile wich you have so hartlessly stated. There are many forms of goth many are troubled souls some are expresing artisticly you have no right to wright any of them words you put in your artical! Your are a facist and in this country you can get arressted for this as what you are saying is against the law and the human rights act. Everybody has the right to do what we want as long as we don’t harm other’s. You have offended alot of people n most likely you need to look at the problem with gangsta’s and chav’s!! Keep your immature and insensitive comments to yourself. Goths are nice people where i am from and we are very misunderstood.

  38. Deamon

    Listen what is the big problem do you not think that our lives are difficult enough with out having to fight the rest of society all the time you guys are really not funny and i think it is purposturouse!! get a life instead of makin ours worse!!! i mean i have already lost my arm due to you,, yes its sounds silly but when i had my first encounter with the scissors (or was it a razor blade :S) i cant remember anyways lets just say i cut in the wrong direction!! and i have majour problems nowerdays you with stealing my sisters jeans and eye liner (witch look great on me by the way!! :D) just leave us alone and let us worship the dreded saton in piece!!! :@ … FREAKSS!!!

  39. well, one thing for certain, this was a funny ass read. i dont consider myself gothic, but i am most definately a person who lives most of there life at night. is it my fault that dressing up like dracula was the best idea for halloween? no, but i did like it, and hence it does have a certain deciding factor in my overall appearence today. one thing is that most people who are termed as goth dont really give a fuck about anything you might have to say about them and would laugh at the idioms that have been placed here. i understand that you hate living with your brother in the same room, who unfortunately just has a really bad hygene problem (knock the hell out of him and tell him to wash his clothes), but hell, you will always find yourself in situations in this life that you dont want to be in. learn what you can from them and move on. i know it may be human nature to use your first impression and impose whatever judgement you have made on anything else that might remind you on any topic that bugs the hell out of you, but just remember this, dont give a shit. simple enough? live your life the way you want to and enjoy watching when you brother acts completely retarded. enjoy…

  40. Adrianna

    I can not believe the total fabrication of Gothic lifestyle you just attempted to feed to the masses. First of all, Goths are not suicidal nor do we dress, act or cut ourselves for attention….I think you need to replace the word goth in your article with either Emo or Spooky kid…..Gothic individuals are for the most part very intelligent people who would not fit in normally anyways because of that fact….especially not in America where a high school diploma is literally the equivalent of a grade 10 education in Canada. Even though we tend to lean towards the darker shades we still wear colours and each of us has a unique sense of fashion. Not all Goths listen to heavy metal…in fact most goth labeled music is very relaxing. Goth girls at least I know for a fact have excellent hygiene and you mentioned dikes….well a lot of girls turn to the same sex relationships because a lot of guys are slobbering egotistical pig headed dirt bags….This is coming from a straight girl so don’t go all homophobe on me. I can honestly say I did have a tragic childhood but in no way, shape, or form did it influence the person I am today.
    Now that I have spoken my peace I am ending this on a high note, before you write anymore crap you should really do research and actually think before your prejudiced mind blows out of proportion. You may also want to seek psychological help since anyone who wishes to harm someone so severely should not be allowed to wander the streets. You claim to be a comedian…your not funny, by far your posts are just discriminatory and only you would find them funny. Enjoy your life while you can because if you keep the bull up I’m sure you’ll say something to the wrong person and then you’ll be nothing but a rude posting on a website….

  41. Skarus

    “Armageddon” is Gothic for “picnic.” Ahahahahaaaa!!! 😀

  42. MeryTheBlade

    Great article! 🙂
    Almost as amusing are some of the comments, though… learn the meaning of sarcasm before you post… especially fellow goths who are claiming we’re more intelligent, it’s just embarrassing…
    Lighten up! Go punch a poseur! x

  43. Ann

    First of all so you know I’m a goth.
    (This is a comment of a goth so.. OMG read it! it’s labled! pff.. f— off.)

    Nice post.
    Even though I disagree with almost everything in this post I dare to say; You ignorance is amusing..

    Oh and I think you might have mistaken the word Goth for – fucking – Emo 🙂

    But okay keep on the ignorant post’s ^^..
    …oh and people please c’mon.. there are millions of people who seem to have the same opinion about “Goth’s” as this person…
    …so the only thing’s you can do about it is..
    …try to change the opinion of humanity.. – which would… so not work –
    …or actually smile back at their ignorance…

    Don’t be as stupid as they are…

    xx It’s not worth it. 🙂 ^^ die!

  44. Ann

    Oh and just to make sure…

    this post is a joke right.. xD?

    .. ba! 8)

  45. SADDAM


  46. Ana


    you make a valid point, sir.

    just one thing: anyone can be total asshole regardless of: Race, religion, sexual/musical/fashion preference.

    : D

  47. Sam

    Ok. You know what I am sick of you judgemental assholes who think that your better than everybody. You should’nt judge others just because they present themselves differently than you.And arent afraid to be themselves. And you dont have to deal with the way they live their lives. Look away for cris sakes. And stop posting pointless rants on how you hate people. Cause Im sure there are alot of people out there that dont like the way you present yourself.

  48. Sam

    And by the way asshole Satanism is a peaceful religion so do me a favor do some research before talking out of your ass. Dumb ass.

  49. Sam

    Also, Your confusing “Emos” with Goths. Goths dont cut themselves dumbass. And the fact that you “Study” your brother and judge him just makes you an even bigger asshole. I wonder if your brother knows that your writting about his “personal” life. Cause if i was your brother Id knock some fucking sense into your skull. And stop with this bible bullshit. Ok you say that us goths make up ridiculous stories.Hunny have you read the bible? Its nothing but a ridiculous story made up by a preist who couldnt get people to listen to his beliefs so he made the book of “God” or The Bible. Which is just a hipocritical belief pounded into innocent childerends minds.Id rather be a “devil worshiper” than a bible loving hate basher. because atleast when your a “satanist” your not “made” to believe anything. But rather you have the choice to make up your oun belief. And instead of hating others you live peacfully.

  50. Al

    listen here little whatever. dont you ever say that what you just said because what your brother is EMO. Emo is a short term for emotional goth means something different. i am a goth very different from that of what you just said and i have real goth people around me. they are fun no satan or cults or anything we r just normal people like everybody else. we are just alienated from society which means being different and living our life our way we do not play on fields or shop on groceri stores. EMO is that of everyting you just described goth means somebody who loves the darker side of things, and who is different from society. nothing tragic has to be done to become goth. im sorry i dont know your name but dont ever say that. if your brother became a goth well he should know what he’s up to. if he worship satan than he is a pagan, and no the cutting is EMO also. goths are free and we are cool and fun watch us or talk to me ang get to know me andm y friends you will see. EMO means somebody like your brother who cut themselves and hates the world there thats who is your borther goths are happy peole. we just wanna be different than all of you.

  51. Al

    sam i love oyu im a guy and whatever im a bi but i love hwat you just say hugs!

  52. Al

    thank you all of you who is supporting us! big hugs to all of you! i have been cruising around sites just to find bunch of craps like this. STop judging us we just want to be ourselves.

  53. Al

    An your so funny! email is tal kto me im bored guys lol haha!

  54. Al

    erick go to fucker.

  55. Al

    by the way i am from the visigoths family hehe…

  56. SADDAM

    Al eats chodes for breakfast.


    For fuck’s sake people, this is a joke. Is that so hard to grasp? Jeeze, stop taking shit to seriously. xD

  58. Morticia

    YOU ARE ALL DUMB!!!!!!!!!!

    I am goth. And Cristian.
    And not afraid to say JESUS FUCKING LOVES EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!
    That includes you. Piss off. Saitan is an asshole and should be thrown in to the next dimention for enternaty. So there.

    • jewels

      im pagan not christian and i think i souldn’t be treated any diffrent than you i am still a person so if you like picking on people go talk to you family and that your friends and if they think that too your all fuckrd up!!!!!!!!!!

  59. Morticia

    And i cant spell.

    Screw you, conformists.

  60. MeryTheBlade

    Wheeeeeeee! It says Comedy Corner at the top of the frigging page! Wheeeeeeee!

    The humourless bastards who leave self-righteous complaints don’t read the comments left before them, and the ones who already left a complaint don’t come back because they’ve moved on to another site to give their opinion without the patience to the read the name of the site or the self-esteem to check back for the reply.

    I’m off to shout at the street evangelists. At least they pretend to listen to other people’s opinions.

  61. Kassie

    i love life. peace out from this Goth in Au! comedy maybe, dont make it right.

  62. Kassie

    ps id love to talk to you sometime:P haha but could you not screw yourself at the same time?

  63. DeathBringer

    You even think about touching one of my goth brothers or sisters I’ll find you and I will bash your head in will a pipe that goes for all of you idiots and North Dakota nothing more than red-neck hikes why dont you stop talking about your idiotic ideas and go back to what your good at fucking your sister and life stock you white trash shit Let me make it very clear so even a retard like you could understand it atempt an attack on my gothic brothers and sister will leave you lifeless with your blood on my hands and for your information your brother is EMO you DUMB FUCK Ill ripe your spine out and stab you with if you what to save america kill your self

  64. DeathBringer

    I am a Goth and I do not worship satan but I will cut your neck open and bleed you dry and cut open your chest and se if you have a heart and if not well ill just take a 50lb hammer to your skull shit head the hunt is on and your next

  65. LittleSpider

    Goths are awesome! I agree with Deathbringer!

  66. Bethany

    I’m a goth, and can I just say that I’m a black belt and if you ever came near me you wouldn’t last the next few seconds.

  67. K80theSHADE

    Heh. Wow. You’re article is funny. I am 28 years old. I am a girly-boy. I am a romantigoth. I started wearing black when I was eight or nine years old. I did not know what “goth” was or even that there were other people out there who liked the things I like and had made a name for it. I just liked dressing like Bela Lugosi from Dracula.
    I am not such a social person–that is, I’m not ANTI-social, I just don’t go out of my way at all to “meet people”. Nonetheless, I have lived in 12 different States, and seem to have always been able to find myself at the heart of local goth culture for the last ten years or so. I will grant you, the individual you describe who you say is goth is definitely a douche bag, if your description of him is accurate. Also, he could be 15.
    Goth isn’t “about” anything. It’s just a way of dressing that one (hopefully) finds pleasing. Anyone who dresses a certain way to express an opinion is, in my opinion, a poser; I don’t care if you’re goth, cowboy, urban chic, etc.
    I believe the only reason to dress in any given way at all is how it makes you feel.
    So if you have some douche bag in your home who is wearing you out with their sanctimonious bullshit about how they feel things and they feel BAD and have SUFFERED, damnit! Then do yourself a favor and don’t let the fact that they happen to wear black (which is not the ONLY color most goths wear, btw) and identify with their impression of what goth is to them set you against a very large cross section of America, most of whom are quite intelligent, charming people. Just let them turn 18 and move out. Not because they’re goth, but because they’re a douche bag.

    And a word to most of you who posted here with flames for the author: GET A LIFE.

  68. The cat obsessed person who thinks you're an idiot

    wow… you’re an imbecile you’re using a common stereotype of goth people and putting every other sub-category of goth into the the middle of it. I don’t remember how I even got on this moronic blog or site, but whoever wrote it really needs to do some research. I for one am goth, and I do not fit into your stereotype of goth I do not cut myself nor do I hate my life, I do not worship the devil because anything that has to do with religion is idiotic so in some sense I’m an atheist, and I do not do drugs. I do not wear all black, yes the majority of the time I wear black with either red, burgundy, violet, and when I have no good shirts black on black. I always wear my shirts with a black well-fitted pleather trench coat. Yes I wear my trench coat in the Summer, but that’s because nothing will stop me from wearing something I think looks good not even heat. I do not wear the same clothes everyday though, and I shower every or every other day. I hope that sums it up for you that goths are not your silly little stereotype of them, I hate those kinds of goths as well they’re a bad name for real gothic kind everywhere and trust me there really aren’t very many REAL goths existing.

  69. El Bueno

    Goths wear capes. That is a fact.

  70. Caleb

    you guys need to calm down. The author is writing satire, meaning that this is not serious, he is joking. there is no need to threaten him with death or bodily harm for writing a comedic piece. If you do take issue with the views expressed in the article please disagree respectfully. make your points without assaulting the author’s character, or threatening him. Or, if you can’t do that, don’t post here. yelling at the author via comment will really not get you anywhere, so ranting about how wrong the author is is in no way productive and is a wholly self-indulgent act.

    I thought that the article was hilarious, keep them coming.

  71. Den Zorn

    Here’s something that was left out. I’m what is refered to as a rivethead, and I’m also an ex-infantry/security forces Marine. We may look at little like goths, from people who don’t know what to look for. Look for the (usually) small group of people in a goth club that are wearing military gear or generally look bad-ass. Now, be careful what you say to them. If we’re in the club, we are drunk and unlike goths and emo’s, rivetheads will beat the shit out of you. Most rivets listen to industrial, EBM, aggroteck, and although we may have a few goth friends, we are generally disliked because we are too aggressive for them. We, on many occasions, have after parties with a little backyard brawling thrown in. Think UFC with no direct face or nut shots, everything else goes. If you still don’t know what to look for think Mad Max or Chronicles of Riddick. Hope this helps and keeps you out of the hospital. And remember just because a goth chick may hate you, doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to fuck your brains out, and not tell her friends, I’m sure a few rivets out there know what I’m talking about, Cheers!

  72. Den Zorn

    Better yet, think Tremor Brothers from Smokin’ Aces.

  73. Anonymous

    As a goth, I read through this entire article and found it quite amusing.

    “The Goth kid will continue this rant until you hit him in the head with a desk.”

    I couldn’t help but laugh at that one! And remember, if you look at the top right of this page, you’ll see “Comedy Corner”, not “Facts to End All Facts”.

  74. uncivil-servant

    basically your talking about emos.. metal rules.. emos suck… we agree kill all the emos… if your looking for a good time some beer and some weed.. go talk to some metalers… if ,as stated above, you are 13 want to be a goth because you spent your childhood sucking up to metal heads and love crying/hair dye i sudjest you kill yourself… by getting a diagonal beard and turning the tip of it pink your not gonna gain respect your gonna loose it… not to mention youl look gay.. basically, its like people… we are a society.. metal is hetrosexual.. emo is gay.. make up is gay.. real goths sort of float around in between i geuss theyre bi… theyd probably like that too.. and the emos would cry like fags… some of my freinds are goths so i dont mean any disrespect to goths.. but a goth cannot wear an armband.. maybe a goth could wear the disemboweled entrails of christ around his/her wrist but never..never..a sweatband.. metal rules r.i.p chuck schuldiner !!!!
    peace from your cousins in europe \m/-_-\m/

  75. uncivil-servant

    Tuesday, June 3, 2008 at

    YOU ARE ALL DUMB!!!!!!!!!!

    I am goth. And Cristian.
    And not afraid to say JESUS FUCKING LOVES EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!
    That includes you. Piss off. Saitan is an asshole and should be thrown in to the next dimention for enternaty. So there.

    christian goth… an oxymoron… the goths are a dark a spiritual race with roots in the occult and many of them DO worship satan…in fact i would go as far as too say if you dont worship satan you better have a fucking good reason.. i personally am not a goth.. i listen to black metal and i want to call myself a metalhead.. i think you and your christ death cult can do what you want and give away everything you own and get nailed to the fucking cross.. you are the sickness that has plauged humanity for the past millenia… stay out of our comunity! the meek will not inherit the earth, the earth will inherit the meek! and when the revolution comes all the christians will be the first against the wall.. and we will laugh at the feilds of cross’s and know that you have sold your soul to the real evil and he has consumed your whole life and i will stand as a good myself over your life… you disgust me with your perverted preachings of morallity.. what of reality?? what of fact? and you will retort with.. “oh you eat babies” and “if satan exists god exists” i dont… and god doesnt exist….,..
    satanism to me represents the oposite of the bible.. i do not beleive one word of that book of lies and i spit upon it.
    but your ok arnt you CHRIST-ian you can pretend you will be ok in the end and your god that you created in the image of man will salvage whats left of your existance when your dead.. i can help you meet your god sucker… WE ARE BREAKING DOWN THE WALLS

  76. uncivil-servant


    Monday, October 15, 2007 at

    WOW, some people here really have some fucked up shit going on in their minds………FIRST OF ALL, bizzoony, JESUS WAS FUCKING CRUCIFIED, NOT BURNED!!!


    surely it is more fucked up to be in the knowledge of the “world bitches” death fantasys.. than to not care…
    i can see from your name you are versed in history and mythology…
    did you know that satan is actually derived from the norse god LOKI the trickster if you have read some you will know that he was portrayed as selfish and underhanded… while god himself is derived from ALAH from muslim “faiths”*** alah being the orignal omnipotent omnipresent god
    as far as i can work out.. the rest of the bible was just made up by one group of insane people (possible illuminati style)

    ok this is my last post.. peace out

    ***faith to me is basically insanity.. it is asking you put your full trust.. lay down your life.. in nothing.. to thin air.. i would not call christianity a relegion as such because relegion vaugely means “self chosen personal regime” i.e. buddhist monks practice meditation every day as part of there religion…
    a “faith” on the other hand means you have gone insane and are now talking to “god” and prostrating yourself basically for nothing…

  77. uncivil-servant

    crab people crab people
    taste like crab looks like people

  78. Gisèle

    I agree with most of this. *Is Goth ha ha.*
    Seriously though, it’s totally true. Whatever black sheep imperative one goes by, it’s still a bandwagon even if you’re on the undesirable side of the fence. I find most Goths to be extremely closed minded because most think themselves so different and unique, while that really isn’t the case.
    However, why is it so bad to be part of some kinda clique, group or whatever? That’s how people are, you can’t avoid it, and everyone belongs to some kinda social group.
    Goths might think themselves the only real genuine humans on earth, but I’ve never heard anything different from any kinda social group.

    I can tell you why I’m a Goth. Because I want people to look at me. It’s pretty simple, and I find it useless and drab (And too expensive.) to have to oneup other Goths. Besides, I’ve always been of the mind that a real Goth can look totally Goth without actually buying stuff from Hot Topic or medieval fashion stores.
    I have no problem admitting this, and people don’t seem to have much of a problem with me admitting it. I think most people who make a big deal out of someone else’s life should probably get a life of their own.
    Your studying your brother to come up with this is pretty akin to a Goth using conformity as an excuse to be a Goth. Just one thing to denote something else entirely, but then I wondered how you mighta known so much on the subject ha ha.
    As for traumatic incidents, well life is life, everyone goes through something, Goth or not, as so charmingly parroted that Laibach remake. (That only Goths listen to lulz.)

    Goth is essentially a fashion. *shrug.* No more than a prep or a punk, no matter where the roots might have come from or what general cause or mindframe initiates said fashion. I know plenty of people who are into Victorian literature, Industrial music or Tim Burton, yet they aren’t “Goth”. Or are they?

    *Mysterious, unjustified Goth laugh, slow withdrawal through the shadows-Trips. Damnit. Ominous moment RUINED.*

  79. Beaunze

    This really isn’t funny.Comedy is not just bashing a group of people, making up shit a then saying it is comedy. All you are doing is fueling hatred for a group of people (who for the most part don’t worship Satan) and pissing off every one else.

  80. i think goth people are so good but i don’t agree one thing wearing the same clothes everyday are not having shower if it is true . but i don’t mind the rest

  81. pink13itch

    ok as a goth i can say that you are the biggest motherfucker in the world we don’t worship anyone satan included, we don’t cut ourselfs and all i got from this artical is i really have to go out and make up a goth language i’ll take your note and use armagedon for picnic

  82. gothlove

    Grow up…. and Fuck Off.

  83. Rick

    oh i see, you dont kill anyone,or treat people too badly,oh i get it !! where did you get your information and rules on what satin worhip is ? why do you draw a line like this for yourself and then feel that everything is ok ? why not let the word of god tell you the truth about yourself ! and then you will see really what it means to “worhip satin ” humble your self SINNER.. tHAT IS THE FIRST STEP (REPENTANCE). BE HUMBLE,BE TEACHABLE AND YOU MAY SEE THE FACE OF GOD SOON !

  84. Rou

    I managed to read about 3 paragraphs of this report before I decided to give you a politly engraged comment (¬_¬)

    I in fact, am I 15 year old goth. I am not a satanist, I do not self harm, I do not deliberatly hurt other people, I am in fact quite happy with my life and how I live, and no I don’t use stupid terminology for picnics (¬_¬) Someone will probably turn around and say “oh you arn’t a real goth then you don’t follow the stereotype” f*ck the stereotype, I dress how I want to dress, I act how I wanna act and I do what I wanna do. If I wanna go sit in a corner and cry I will, if I wanna drink myself to oblivion and walk down the street singing “suicide solution” at 3am in the morning I freaking well will do it!

    You are the worst “Jane Goodall of goths” YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT US CLEARLY!!!!!!

    Uh people like you make me sick (¬_¬)
    “North Dakota has already allowed the execution of Goths without trial” In that case they should also allow the excuction of stereotypical assholes like you.

    I’m so glad I don’t live in America, if I had to put up with stupid people like you every day I would kill myself

    And yes I’m aware all of this article is just bull sh*t for a laugh, but I’m proud of who I am as an individual, and its not funny to rip people for who they dress


  85. Hey,
    I am sort of EMO/Goth
    And I found that hilarious.
    Cheers dude

  86. Daisy

    dude im a goth, iv never cut myself, yes ive had a few ups and downs but i never became a goth because of that, it was like years before that man!! im also not a satan worshipper, im not a goth cuz i dont agree with the average cliques, its just what i enjoy dressing up in and i feel more comfortable in it than what everybody else wears 😉 you dont understand what goth is if thats what you think it is…

  87. Lucie

    You, sir, are an amazing writer. I only find it unfortunate that so many children reading your lovely writings lack the analytical skills/mental capacity/emotional stability to depict/understand/appreciate the beauty and at least partial truth of your epic rants and would rather have a fit in declaring that goth kids can, in fact, wear white and do, in fact, take showers, and are, in fact, very different than emos and demand that you sink into a state of utter shame for your social blunders. Harr.
    Wherefore seek comedy if one cannot take himself lightly occasionally? You make some very legitimate points and you’re clearly very talented writing in the style you utilize. Terribly sorry to offend anyone who feels passionately, but I do commend Mr. Bizzoony’s excellent aptitude in writing.

  88. fred betton

    hi im fred and im lonely will i ever meet a pretty girl i dont think so i need a gf bad heres my pic

  89. I am a Goth and an Odinist. I am a skald, a Libertarian and an Anarchist. I am a gun owner and a Heavy Metal muscian. I ask only four things of everyone on BOTH sides of this issue: 1. Please obtain a REAL sense of humor. 2. If you’re not an American, please realize that not all of us are racist imperialists. I HATE what the corporate fascists and jello-spined communists have done to my country. 2. If you are an American, realize that people all over the world hate us NOT because they are “jealous” of us (we no longer have anything to be jealous of) but because the American People continue to be spineless, hypocritical, cowardly weaklings who continue to allow lobbyists, bankers, religions, corporations and the Donkeyphant party one-party-with-two-heads neo-Stalinist creation to plunder and imprison us while lecturing, bullying and stealing from the rest of the world at the same time. I am currently educating the rest of the world as to what the Republican Party did to the Libertarians in Pennsylvania during the last so-called “democratic” election in this supposedly “Constitutionally protected Land of the Free”. 3. If you are an American, don’t even think of giving me that “if you don’t like how it is here why don’t you leave” bullshit because, boy, let me tell you what: I have Cherokee Indian blood. If you don’t like my opinion of how you fucked up MY country, I will give you $300.00 for a plane ticket and YOU can get the fuck out of MY land. Instead of arguing like someone who’s 20, 30, 40, 50…..years old going on three-and-a-half, why don’t you realize that America has a superhuge problem it’s own citizens ALLOWED to have happen, stop being an in-denial-head-in-the-sand-WHOLEASS (which is worse than an asshole) and help those of us who still care to DO something about it!?!?!? God’s blessings on the ALL the rebels in the Muslim World. They have more spine than the overly comfortable, fatass, gut-stuffing, beer-and-soda swilling, sports-watching, couch-potato swine here! 4. Please, all of you, LEARN TO SPELL CORRECTLY! Thank you for allowing me to rant.

  90. P.S If you appreciate really “dry” humor, just look at the fact that America’s so-called leaders think the rest of the world is naive concerning how we REALLY are when, in truth, they know more about us than we are willing to admit. Embarrassing, yet grimly amusing.

  91. Duvessa Deadmoon

    What the freak is wrong with you? I’m a christian goth and it is obvious you know nothing about goths or Christianity! If this is meant to be comedy, it’s seriously NOT funny. Everything is incorrect. Freaking stupid and heartless.

    • What is it with all the “Christian Goths” I’ve been hearing about lately? I mean, not that there have not always been goths who are christian (I guess) but it’s like talking about “Vegan Firefighters” or something. I know, I know, there are still a few folks who are stupid and associate a fashion culture with Satanism. But these are the same idiots who said Rock ‘n Roll was the Devils’ music. It’s just stupidity. Don’t dignify it by qualifying your fashion sense by saying “BTW, I’m not a Satanist!”
      In that sense it’s like saying “I’m a girly-boy—but I’m not gay!” You don’t have to justify yourself.

  92. Scarlett Blue

    HATE THEM?? Why is it that ppl think their evil!! We did so much to help y’all and you hate us!? Those churches y’all are in is Goth culture! The horror movies with dark and spooky themes in it, we did that and you hate us! The things you said hurt and i can’t forgive it. God hates ugly and the ugly things you said in the paragraph are ugly and hurtful. You should be ashame of yourself! Don’t judge a book by it’s cover!!

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